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1. A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.

- Henri J.M. Nouwen

2. Work hard. And have patience. Because no matter who you are, you’re going to get hurt in your career and you have to be patient to get through the injuries.

- Randy Johnson

3. I think patience is a skill and I wish I had it.

- David Duchovny

4. I like playing. I wouldn’t be a good coach. I don’t have the patience to be a coach.

- Tom Brady

5. Knowing trees, I came to realize, understand and appreciate the act of patience.

- Ogwo David Emenike

6. Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.

- Roy T. Bennett

7. So much in a revolution is nothing but waiting.

- Sinclair Lewis

8. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

- Philips Brooks

9. I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.

- Lao Tzu

10. For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice – no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.

- John Burroughs

11. Think of the patience God has had for you and let it resonate to others. If you want a more patient world, let patience be your motto.

- Steve Maraboli

12. When it comes to patience, we don’t have to change old habits; we can build better ones.

- Sue Bender

13. Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts.

- James Russell Lowell

14. Inner peace is impossible without patience. Wisdom requires patience. Spiritual growth implies the mastery of patience. Patience allows the unfolding of destiny to proceed at its won unhurried pace.

- Brian Weiss

15. Tolerance is nothing more than patience with boundaries.

- Shannon Alder

16. My dear son, be patient, because the weaknesses of the body are given to us in this world by God for the salvation of the soul. So they are of great merit when they are borne patiently.

- St. Francis of Assisi

17. Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Have the patience to wait! Be still and allow the mud to settle.

- Lao Tzu

18. Some people can never understand that you have to wait, even for the best of things, until the right time comes.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

19. Hurry up and wait.

- Unknown, U.S. Military Saying

20. Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.

- Hal Borland

21. Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.

- Thomas Huxley

22. Patience is the support of weakness; impatience the ruin of strength.

- Charles Caleb Colton

23. Abused patience turns to fury.

- Thomas Fuller

24. There are very little things in this life I cannot afford and patience is one of them.

- Larry Hagman

25. You’re trying to eat grass that isn’t there. Why don’t you give it a chance to grow?

- Richard Adams, Watership Down

26. Have patience with all things but first with yourself. Never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being. You are perfectly valuable, creative, worthwhile person simply because you exist. And no amount of triumphs or tribulations can ever change that.

- St. Frances de Sales

27. The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.

- Ralph Marston

28. Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.

- Virgil

29. The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.

- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

30. Perfect love is perfectly patient.

- Neal A. Maxwell

31. I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.

- Margaret Thatcher

32. Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

- Plautus

33. Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

- Tertullian

34. The first requirement of politics is not intellect or stamina but patience. Politics is a very long run game and the tortoise will usually beat the hare.

- John Major

35. ?The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.

- Paulo Coelho

36. The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.

- Arnold H. Glasgow

37. Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.

- Barbara Johnson

38. To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.

- Thomas Aquinas

39. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.

- Carl Jung

40. If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?

- Rumi

41. The practice of patience in crafting and process is a virtue that needs to come back.

- Zac Posen

42. With love and patience, nothing is impossible.

- Daisaku Ikeda

43. Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent.

- Billy Graham

44. There is no substitute for hard work, 23 or 24 hours a day. And there is no substitute for patience and acceptance.

- Cesar Chavez

45. Slow and Steady wins the race

- Aesop

46. Learning patience can be a difficult experience, but once conquered, you will find life is easier.

- Catherine Pulsifer

47. One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.

- Chinese Proverb

48. He that can have patience can have what he will.

- Benjamin Franklin

49. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

- Unknown

50. An alternative to love is not hate but patience.

- Santosh Kalwar

51. Patience is a conquering virtue.

- Geoffrey Chaucer

52. I think I have more patience now than I did in the past.

- T. Boone Pickens

53. Patience is the most necessary quality for business, many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request.

- Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

54. Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.

- Ray A. Davis

55. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success.

- Elbert Hubbard

56. Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.

- George Bernard Shaw

57. Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

- John Quincy Adams

58. I’m patient.

- Michael Jordan

59. One minute of patience, ten years of peace.

- Greek Proverb

60. Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.

- David G. Allen

61. Nature never rushes, yet everything gets done.

- Lao Tzu

62. Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can – working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!

- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

63. It is very strange…that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.

- Elizabeth Taylor, A Wreath of Roses

64. A perfect chutney needs patience. If you are cooking it, cook it on a low flame; the flavors come out the best that way.

- Maneet Chauhan

65. A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people’s patience.

- John Updike

66. God always has patience.

- Pope Francis

67. Talent is a long patience, and originality an effort of will and intense observation.

- Gustave Flaubert

68. To lose patience is to lose the battle.

- Mahatma Gandhi

69. And sure enough, even waiting will end…if you can just wait long enough.

- William Faulkner

70. Your least favorite virtue, or nominee for the most overrated one? Faith. Closely followed—in view of the overall shortage of time—by patience.

- Christopher Hitchens

71. It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.

- Julius Caesar

72. One problem with age is that patience begins to ebb.

- Carl Hiaasen

73. Don’t try to rush things: for the cup to run over, it must first be filled.

- Antonio Machado

74. If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought.

- Isaac Newton

75. Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown.

- Soren Kierkegaard

76. The world gives us PLENTY of opportunities to strengthen our patience. While this truth can definitely be challenging, this is a good thing. Patience is a key that unlocks the door to a more fulfilling life. It is through a cultivation of patience that we become better parents, powerful teachers, great businessmen, good friends, and a live a happier life.

- Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

77. Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.

- A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh

78. Patience is the art of concealing your impatience.

- Guy Kawasaki

79. Writing is good, thinking is better. Cleverness is good, patience is better.

- Hermann Hesse

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